Who Want’s to Play some Star Wars BINGO?!?
Are you looking for a fun Star Wars themed activity for your kids to enjoy? Today is Star Wars Day!! Later this month the new Solo Movie is coming out! To celebrate I have been working with my talented husband to create some fun Star Wars themed printables for all of you to enjoy. The first Printables were the fun art prints I posted yesterday. You can find them –> HERE <–
While I have been finishing up the Sar Wars Pary printables (using my hubby’s awesome illustrations) my husband offered to design a few other Star Wars printables for me including a fun Star Wars BINGO game which I am totally going to be using with my own kids to celebrate Star Wars Day. I Love these BINGO games (with pictures (instead of letters and numbers) because it is a fun yet EASY game that all my kids (even my youngest) can play with or without me.
This 13-page BINGO game printable comes with 24 half page sized Boards as well as the printable INGO picture pieces. To play I usually use a small flat candy like M&M’s. The kids love this because after we are done playing they get to eat the candy as a treat.
Click Here to get your copy of my Printable Star Wars BINGO Game
This Printable file is formatted as a ready to print PDF that you can print at home or at your local copy center. I recommend printing the game on cardstock for the stability of the boards and pieces. If you are wanting to use this game more than once you might also consider laminating the boards and pieces after you cut them out.
Stay tuned for some other fun Star Wars Printables that I will be posting all month for your enjoyment.
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