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2017 Reading Challenge (With FREE Printables for Adults, Youth, and Kids!)

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Make 2017 a Year of Reading by taking the 2017 Reading Challenge!

I adore books, but even I sometimes need a little help to switch up my normal reading habits. Why would I want to do this? Well, most reading challenges (if they are good) involve a mixture of requiring you to visit old favorites as well as new unknown genres, authors, and books. When I take these challenges, I find that I greatly enjoy basking in the company of my old friends, beloved authors, and doorways that transport me to special places that are found within my favorite books, while at the same time finding new and exciting ones that I would never otherwise have found.

This year I decided to make my own Reading Challenges. I created 3 actually. 1 for Adults. 1 for youth and 1 for children. This way your whole family can participate no matter their age. *Of course, for the children (depending on their respective reading abilities) they can read the books in the challenge or have you read each one to them. and adults and youth who prefer to listen to audio books are welcome to use this challenge too.

This ready to print PDF file has 3 standard pages with 3 Reading Challenge Book Marks per page (1 page for Adults, 1 page for Youth, & 1 page for Children) so you can get your friends and family to do this fun reading challenge with you.

Update: I have officially gotten the 2018 version of this Reading Challenge up on the site for you to download. Enjoy!

To download the 2018 Reading Challenge Printable click HERE.

As you embark on this fun challenge with me feel free to comment below which books you choose and what you think! This is sure to be an excellent year of reading for all of us! ** I even have these fun Summer Reading Program printables for the whole family which you can use to track your reading this Summer (which let’s be honest is probably when you will get the majority of your reading done this year.)

If you liked this post be sure to check out these! (Click on the photos to go to the posts)


How to find motivation to read more - aumsome

Saturday 18th of February 2017

[…] Credits go to (in order of appearance): Goodreads | Finding North | Eddyeule | Modern Mrs Darcy | The Quiet Grove […]


Thursday 16th of February 2017

Hi there!

These are fantastic! I would love to use them with my students. Would it be possible to edit typos?

Thanks for considering!


Friday 17th of February 2017

Of course. If you ever catch a typo (which I hope isn't often) just let me know and I will fix it right away.


Wednesday 25th of January 2017

Hello! Thank you so much for sharing this - I really enjoyed reading this post. I think it'should great that you've included children in your challenge! Other challenges often forget about them!

I wanted to let you know that I shared the challenges and credited you over on a blog post I did today, you can find it here if you're interested: I hope that's okay.

Thanks for sharing!

Reema | blogger at


Thursday 26th of January 2017

I am glad you liked the post. And THANKS for sharing it on your site. I never mind when people do so as long as they give me credit and link back

How to find motivation to read more – aumsome

Wednesday 25th of January 2017

[…] Credits go to (in order of appearance): Goodreads | Finding North | Eddyeule | Modern Mrs Darcy | The Quiet Grove […]

Kelly George

Wednesday 4th of January 2017

This is fantastic! We'll be doing this this year, thankyou.


Thursday 5th of January 2017

Oh I am sooo glad to hear it!